Thursday, June 5, 2008

One Planet Living...

Zero carbon: the increased change in our environment is because of people style life and increase gassing CO2 in the air.

Zero Waste: the way we get ride of our waste from discarded products and packaging affect the environment and damage natural resources.

Sustainable Transport: all kinds of transport (air, land, sea) affect the environment and cause different kind of pollution (climate, noise, land, etc).

Local and Sustainable Materials: the development of industrial and manufacturing sector has increased the damage to the environment and in the same time didn’t benefit people.

Local and Sustainable Food: local ecosystems are harmed by the production of uncertain quality of food, which also include high transportation.   

Sustainable Water: Local supplies of fresh water are less than human need because of the pollution disruption of hydrological cycles.

Natural Habitats and wildlife: loss of biodiversity because of the development projects at natural areas and damage of natural resources. 

Cultural and heritage: loss of local culture (identity and knowledge) because of the world globalization.  

Equity and fair trade: local demands aren’t satisfied as not all industrialized countries rich and we can find poor people and shortage in supplying basic needs to the country population.  

Health and happiness: an increasing awareness and thinking about the secret of high wealth, health and happiness in order to be health and satisfied.

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