Thursday, June 5, 2008

Conclusion - “We’ll save the planet only if we’re forced to” – Your Opinion..

According to the writer of the article people aren’t facing the hard truth that their activities and behaviors have harmed the environment. In his view, it is time for us to wake up and see what are doing as we clearly can notice the change in the planet climate. He explained that before 10,000 years it was difficult to grow agriculture because of the violent planet climate, however, when the climate settled into safe parameters things changed and developed human civilization. Moreover, he is concerned about whether the increase of warming gases from human activities into the atmosphere would affect the safe parameters and result in a return to the violent. In the writer view it is time to put our hands together to find solution to this problem instead of blaming each other. He referred to Green campaigners experience when they prompted the Mayor of London and forced SUV drivers to pay £6,000 as penalty to drive through the city and forcing them to change to greener cars. The writer agrees that people have the freedom of choosing to change to greener cars but he sees that the freedom of choosing ends when the matter exceed the individual level to a public issue. Now more people are concerned about the environment health and safety so if our activities endanger others life we should respect and stop this activity as all people have the right to live in safe, healthy environment. In his view, we have passed the time for requesting people to safe the environment and its time to force them to do that by governmental laws and regulations.  


Through out the reading I have made on the same topic I have realized that we humans are really harming the environment and damaging the area around us. There are many reasons for that but the most important one is that we aren’t taking the responsibility of taking care of our environment seriously. Furthermore, we think that things will be solved by itself as in our minds we think that an individual behavior won’t affect that much forgetting that we all share the same air, land, see and damage is caused on big level not small. From my side, I share the writer view that time is passed for explaining, thinking and requesting and its time to perform an action and even force people to do it. Moreover, people have to change their thinking and issuing government laws would result in a big change, which we need in the time been. As people behavior won’t be changed easily unless there a law that stop them and make them think. In short, change isn’t difficult but it takes time, which we don’t have our time is limited and its necessary to take immediate actions. Our environment health and safety is an important issue the neglecting the reality won’t do any good for us.

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