Thursday, June 5, 2008

My Carbon footprint ....

Carbon footprint is a way to measure the impact of human activities on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gasses produced by us in units of (CO2). I did the carbon footprint calculation and found that I am living like in 3 plants and it is really a big number in my opinion. In this essay, I’m going to outline the problems and the possible solution for this problem.

The increase of Carbon footprint is mainly because of our different human activities that indirectly affect the environment around us. If we take a close look on those activities we will find that most of them are just because of our luxury life style we are living. For example, I am one of the people who use the electricity a lot and usually leave the TV open most of times even if I left the home which waste the use of energy in good purposes and harm our environment. Moreover, I have my own car and use it all the time even to go the supermarket 10 minutes away from my house. Now in most of the houses we can see that each person has its own car so if there are 10 individuals in the house so there will be at least 6-8 cars. This behavior isn’t just unhealthy it’s also adds to the air pollution and damage our environment. In addition, as we living in a fast world we use airplanes for long distance travel and helicopters for short distances. I travel 3 times a year to visit my relatives so using airplane to travel and it increase my carbon footprint amount. It also amazed me how much we are careless about the health of our environment as the simplest behavior such as recycling our waste we don’t do which doesn’t only decrease pollution but also help us use things effectively. 

 I have realized that we always see our environment beautiful but we aren’t thinking of the damage we are causing to it. In our objective to develop our life style and make things easier we have harmed the environment and our continuous behavior will led to the death of the environment and make it unhealthy place for our children’s and next generation to live. It is unrealistic to advice others to do things that am not personally do so I will start with changing my behaviors which will influence people around me sooner or later. I would start to use electricity power more correctly and guide my family members to do that by not keeping TV open if they aren’t watching it or leaving electricity open in non-necessary time of places. Furthermore, I would personally start to share my car with my family members and friends instead of letting each one drive alone to the same distance. Moreover, I would think of different recycling methods the ones that we can do it in home such as reusing the print our papers, collecting cans and send it to recycling companies, etc. Lastly, I think participation in environmental programs will give me more information about how I can change my behaviors to save my area, stop the damage am causing and make it healthier for my children.  

In conclusion, we have to know that our plant is in danger and we have to make the first move if we want to make good future to our children to live in healthy environment. There are many things we can start doing it on a personal level that would share in saving our place years and years after. 

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