Monday, March 10, 2008


Lebanon is one of the most beautiful countries in the Middle East although they had war with Israel many times. This is the tourism century for Lebanon, as it received many people from all around the world due to plenty of nice place, beaches, mountains and museums to visit. Beirut is the capital of Lebanon; it's famous in fashion and shows. It was called the land of mile and honey in the Bible also the nickname was Paris of the East. It located between five countries Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Israel and Cyprus. There are 17 religions in Lebanon most of them are Muslim and Christians. Arabic, French and English are the languages officially recognized in Lebanon.

1943 was the day that Lebanon became independent when France gave the government to the Lebanese. Balance of power was for Christians and little for Muslim. In 1948 100.00 Palestinians were evicted from Israel and here starts the attraction between Muslim and Christians. In 1975, tensions boiled over when some members of a radical Christian group attacked and killed a bus full of Palestinians in downtown Beirut. Because of that Syria sent 20.000 troops to save people from each other. In this tension 2000 Palestinians were killed. In addition, Lebanon cost was between 150,000 and 200,000 of citizens who died in the civil war. Also about 300,000 were wounded also quarter of the population left to the near countries like Gulf and Egypt. At that time economy was affected quite a lot because of war and it was paralyzed for 4 years. Finally, people in Lebanon opened new page to live together and forgot the past and they started building Lebanon again with the help of some business men from the Arab countries.Now Lebanon is trying to return back as in the past to be Paris of East again but there are some problems that needs to be solved like the pollution and traffic.

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