Monday, April 28, 2008


In the last few years pollution has increased because of technology and development. Nowadays Pollution started to cause lots of problems to the environment and human beings Because of that many organizations have started some campaigns to save the planet from the pollution like building new cities which will be without any kind pollution. I am glad to have one of the first cool cities here in my country which is called Masder it will be CO2 free city and they will use only solar energy. In my blog I will write about cool city and about our carbon foot print and I will try to be a critical thinker while I think and write about my researches.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth

In this movie Al Gore discusses the scientific knowledge of climate change and gives some information to let people know that global warming is one of the biggest problems. The amount of the carbon dioxide has increased in the environment and this make the temperature very high. Al Gore said that there are many harmful industries which affect badly the atmosphere. The high temperature causes glacier to melt which help people need to drink the fresh water, irrigation, plants and animals. Also global warming could cause damage to the world and especially to the nature, for example when the glaciers melt by the heat of the global warming it has a bad effect on the sea because it's increase the sea level.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008